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Previous preclinical research on brain development and disea
Previous preclinical research on PRIMA-1MET development and disease has primarily assessed morphological changes or alterations at the receptor level. These studies have yielded critical information about adolescent biology and behavior. There is little known, however, about real-time dynamics of n
Notably a recent training study asked years
Notably, a recent training study asked 6 years old preschoolers to learn grapheme to phoneme correspondence. Although these children had already acquired some letter knowledge (10 upper case letters and 5.8 lower case letters) prior to training, they did not possess neural tuning for words associate
It was reported that the
It was reported that the microstructure in HAZ, TMAZ and WN vary particularly in fty720 hardenable aluminium alloys like 7xxx series [7]. The variation in microstructure leads to the variation in hardness and corrosion resistance of AA7075 aluminium weld. The softening of HAZ is one of the reasons
Desde otra ptica la muerte para Baudrillard es ante
Desde otra óptica, la muerte para Baudrillard (1993) es, ante todo, un intercambio simbólico. Estos homicidios representan una forma de dar y recibir entre diferentes actores, así como la colocación actual del Estado o del Operativo Conjunto Chihuahua y, desde principios de 2010, la Operación Coordi
Por otra parte la tica del cuidado critica
Por otra parte, la ética del cuidado critica algunos de los valores que el feminismo liberal abandera: el feminismo liberal está moldeado a partir de valores propiamente masculinos, como son la individualidad, la universalidad y la autonomía. Como señalé antes, la ética del cuidado enfatiza una pers
X ray diffractometer which was used to identify crystalline
X-ray diffractometer which was used to identify crystalline phases in several studies [66,81–83] was used in this study to compare crystalline phases present in zirconia after different surface treatments as well as in control group. Although transformation of pure zirconia from the tetragonal to th
In the maturity stage not only organizations growth
In the maturity stage, not only organizations’ growth continues increasing but at a decreasing rate relative to its rate in the rapid growth stage, but also demand and return rate become more stable (Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001; Laan & Salomon, 1997; Rink & Fox, 1999). Although growth rate has slowed
From the point of view of cognition repetitively using the
From the point of view of cognition repetitively using the same set of features across many projects in architecture design (Chan, 2000, 2001) would inherently manifest a signature style. For instance, Frank Lloyd Wright in his designs repeatedly applied the features of a low pitch roof, centered fi
br Introduction Empirical studies on the cognitive activity
Introduction Empirical studies on the cognitive activity of design in architectural design education are increasing slowly but steadily. Many researchers have investigated action analysis, working memory, imagery reinterpretation, and mental synthesis of designers (e.g., Suwa et al., 1998; Gero a
Regarding the temperature perception in the gallery people w
Regarding the temperature perception in the gallery, people were asked whether they were feeling hot, comfortable, chilly, or uncomfortable. Results show that 86% of the users felt comfortable in the building (Figure 11). In addition, 79% of the respondents pointed out that the conversion strategy u
br Interactions between contextual elements and operational
Interactions between contextual elements and operational mode; the ICFs as an analytical framework Between architectural and architecture – engineering firms: similarities and differences Conclusion Introduction Mediating devices are essential tools to describe architectural designs and
br Material and methods A draft of the questionnaire was
Material and methods A draft of the questionnaire was validated based on input from experts drawn from the research domains that contributed to the content of the questionnaire, and the questionnaire was then tested for comprehension and clarity with a group of university students from a range of
Some groups have reported a history
Some groups have reported a history of smoking, having a BMI of less than 23 kg/m2, previous unilateral inguinal hernioplasty, postoperative anastomotic stricture, and prolonged use of self-retaining retractor during operation as risk factors of post-RP IH formation. However, Abe et al reported that
br Introduction Brachial plexus injury in
Introduction Brachial plexus injury in adults is usually a closed injury resulting from considerable traction to the shoulder and is difficult to diagnose and manage. An integration of injury history, physical examination, radiologic findings, and electrodiagnostics can help the diagnosis. Most b
glycogen synthase kinase Introduction Resection remains the
Introduction Resection remains the mainstay treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). For HCC in the caudate lobe, the resection can be performed as an extension of other types of hepatectomy or as an isolated caudate resection. However, for cases of HCC associated with liver cirrhosis, isolate
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